TSPSC GROUP-4 Notification Released
Applications are invited Online from qualified applicants through the proforma Application to
be made available on Commission’s website (https://www.tspsc.gov.in) to the posts of
Group-IV Services in the State of Telangana.
i) Submission of ONLINE applications starts from Dt. 30/12/2022.
ii) Last date and time for submission of ONLINE applications is upto 5.00 PM on
30/01/2023. The payment of Fee will be accepted upto 5:00 P.M of last date for
1. Current affairs.
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science in everyday life.
4. Environmental Issues and Disaster Management.
5. Geography and Economy of India and Telangana.
6. Indian Constitution: Salient Features.
7. Indian Political System and Government.
8. Modern Indian History with a focus on Indian National Movement.
9. History of Telangana and Telangana Movement.
10.Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
11.Policies of Telangana State.
1) Mental Ability. (Verbal and non-verbal)
2) Logical Reasoning.
3) Comprehension.
4) Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improving analysis of a passage.
5) Numerical and Arithmetical abilities.
Group-4 Notification link::Click Here